RCUC gets Rotary International Citation for RY 2021-2022

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Every Rotarian share the same motto – Service Above Self. We are grouped together for the same ideals, help others without expecting anything in return.

It’s the same “spirit” that binds the members of the Rotary Club of Uptown Cubao. Service to Others is the reason why we joined RCUC and why we stay.

Giving back to the community is what we do, and we will always strive to do, day in, day out. This is our passion, this is our fulfilment, our only motivation.

To the wonderful men and women of the Rotary Club of Uptown Cubao, this Rotary International Citation is for all of us. May this recognition, even though we don’t expect one, feels like music to our ears, nourishing our souls and inspire us to do more, change more lives.

Special mention to our RCUC Family of RY 2021-2022, headed by PP and now AGR Richard Silva. Congratulations, RCUC!

About the RI Citation

The Rotary Citation awards recognize the hard work clubs do throughout the year. Taking action toward achieving the citation goals helps clubs engage their members, stay relevant in their communities, and run more efficiently. A welcoming and engaging club also reflects the values of Rotary. When clubs achieve citation goals, they contribute to the overall health and culture of Rotary for generations to come. – my.Rotary.org

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